September 23rd, 2014

Report on the National Strategy Conference for the Labor Campaign for Single-Payer Healthcare

NUHW members and staffers attended the National Strategy Conference for the Labor Campaign for Single-Payer Healthcare August 22-24 in Oakland. NUHW President Sal Rosselli, along with other Bay Area labor leaders, gave a welcoming address Friday evening. The conference brought together more than three hundred activists representing three groups who are working towards health justice […]

September 9th, 2014

Kaiser Permanente admits guilt — HMO denied patients access to mental health services

KAISER PERMANENTE ADMITS GUILT – HMO DENIED PATIENTS ACCESS TO MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Kaiser drops appeal, agrees to pay near-record $4 million fine for mental health care violations Despite admission of guilt, nation’s largest HMO continues to violate state law and has not produced plan for correcting its faults [To read press coverage of this story, […]

September 4th, 2014

Kaiser Permanente must be held accountable for its mental health care failures: San Francisco Examiner op-ed by Sal Rosselli

NUHW President Sal Rosselli penned an op-ed for the September 4, 2014, edition of the San Francisco Examiner on Kaiser Permanente’s mental health care failures. In light of the severity of Kaiser’s violations of state laws governing health care and the fact that recent data proves that Kaiser continues to violate the law, NUHW calls […]

August 29th, 2014

NUHW and CNA stand united in Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital protest

[slideshow_deploy id=’5273′] On Thursday, August 28, NUHW joined with CNA to protest drastic cuts to patient care at SVMH. The hospital administration has presented both unions with severe and unnecessary layoff proposals. SVMH workers showed their strength by lining East Romie Lane with picket signs. Workers and community members made their voices heard loud and […]

August 28th, 2014

Salinas Valley Memorial cost-cutting proposal to draw union protest

The Monterey Herald published a story  about an informational picket by the California Nurses Association and NUHW today at Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital. SVMH’s board of directors has proposed drastic cuts in patient care that include a reduction in the number of personnel at the bedside. The plan includes 120 layoffs and comes just two […]