

A Culture of Corruption at SEIU Tyrone Freeman indicted on 15 felony counts, faces up to 200 years in jail; SEIU-UHW’s Leon Chow leaves Supervisor race...
SEIU refuses to close the wage gap at Kaiser
Vote Hyatt the worst! Time and again, hotel workers have stood by healthcare workers when we needed them the most. At NUHW, we deeply...
Luther Manor workers overwhelmingly ratify first Michigan NUHW contract Workers win contract with no takeaways and major improvements After voting to leave SEIU in 2011, Luther Manor workers in...
Holding Corporate Profiteers Accountable to Workers and Patients As NUHW members, it’s our mission to make sure that healthcare corporations serve the public instead of just serving themselves....
Must-read articles of the week Here’s three must-read articles on NUHW, the IAM and SEIU’s failed leadership: Writer and labor activist Carl Finamore’s Labor Notes interview with...
Talking Union: Review of Labor’s Civil War in California Check out Carl Finamore’s review of the reissue of Cal Winslow’s 2010 popular Labor’s Civil War in California in Talking...
Sutter’s secret scheme exposed San Francisco Board of Supervisors President David Chiu called it “shocking.” Supervisor David Campos called it “unbelievable.” But for those...
San Francisco Chronicle: Leaked financial documents threaten CPMC deal John Cote, SF Chronicle Mayor Ed Lee’s deal with California Pacific Medical Center on a $2.5 billion overhaul of their...
NUHW Sodexo workers win great contract Keck Medical Center Sodexo Dietary workers who are members of NUHW bargained a great contract this week, with improvements including:...
Today’s Supreme Court decision Healthcare workers understand the importance of today’s Supreme Court decision affirming the 2010 Affordable Care Act and its significance for...
Kaiser gouges patients while lining executive pockets National Public Radio is reporting that Kaiser Permanente’s premium increases of up to 20 percent on its biggest customers may...