

San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center: Fresno Homecare Workers, Consumers, and Community Members March against SEIU Harassment About 60 homecare workers and their allies rallied in front of the Service Employees International Union-UHW office in Fresno today....
Caregivers picket O’Connor Hospital for arresting union reps and shutting down democratic vote San Jose, Calif.—Healthcare workers picketed outside O’Connor Hospital today to protest the actions of hospital management, who suspended an Emergency...
Counterpunch: Stern’s SEIU vs. breakaway healthcare workers United Healthcare Workers-West was the kind of union we need in California – more, it was in historian Nelson Lichtenstein’s...
Las Vegas Sun: Unions clash as card check lies in wait Just last week, tens of thousands of California health care workers signed a petition to decertify the Service Employees International...
Video: Kaiser workers celebrate majority and say why they chose NUHW Healthcare workers held press conferences in Los Angeles and Oakland to announce that a majority of Kaiser’s 50,000 union members...
Statement on trustees’ desperate attempt to distract attention from thousands fleeing SEIU Oakland, Calif.—The following statement was issued today by the National Union of Healthcare Workers: “In less than five weeks, 91,000...
SEIU Local 1021 members at Alameda County Medical Center petition to join NUHW More than 300 caregivers at Alameda County Medical Center—many of whom were forced out of SEIU UHW-W in 2006 by...
NUHW statement on the death of former Assemblywoman Nell Soto of Pomona Oakland, Calif.—The National Union of Healthcare Workers issued the following statement today from Founding Executive Board Member Sal Rosselli: “The...
Fresno homecare workers petition for 10,000 to join NUHW Connie Lara, Fresno homecare worker“We need a union run by healthcare workers in California, not union officials in Washington, D.C.....
Fresno homecare workers petition to join NUHW 10,000 in-home healthcare workers to join the 80,000 Kaiser, hospital and nursing home workers uniting in National Union of Healthcare...
Association for Union Democracy: From now on, SEIU = Stern Employees International Union Andy Stern, SEIU international president, has trusteed the 150,000 local, United Healthcare Workers-West. He has removed its elected officers, stripped...
Kaiser workers celebrate NUHW majority Healthcare workers gathered at Kaiser Oakland and Kaiser Bellflower in Los Angeles to announce that a majority had chosen NUHW...