

Video: Worker leaders share their vision Healthcare union stewards across California gathered in Los Angeles and San Francisco on February 28 to celebrate their victories and...
Seniors, people with disabilities, and their caregivers protest at Capitol to save homecare funding from budget “trigger” Cuts would cost California an estimated $460 million in economic activity CALIFORNIA—Hundreds of caregivers and healthcare consumers rallied in Sacramento,...
San Francisco Chronicle: Nursing home workers join new union About 350 employees at four Northern California nursing homes are the first workers to align with the National Union of...
Los Angeles Times: National Union of Healthcare Workers gets its first members A new Oakland-based union — the product of a brutal fight between the elected leaders of healthcare workers in Northern...
Sacramento Business Journal: 350 nursing home workers choose NUHW over SEIU More than 350 workers at three Sacramento-area nursing homes and one in Pacifica have chosen the National Union of Healthcare...
Workers protest Olympia Medical Center UPDATE: We won! All written warnings were removed from stewards’ files. Healthcare workers protested Olympia Medical Center in Los Angeles...
350 nursing home workers win recognition of NUHW as their union “Healthcare workers need a voice in our union so we can stand up for ourselves and for the people who...
Caregivers win historic first recognition of National Union of Healthcare Workers With majority support, more than 350 nursing home workers become first to leave SEIU and win representation with NUHW SACRAMENTO—Workers...
Hartford Courant: ‘Free choice’ must mean switching unions, too Although the loss of the secret ballot may expose workers to various forms of intimidation, there is something attractive about...
Fresno homecare workers march on SEIU UHW-W On March 12, Fresno homecare workers rallied and marched on the SEIU UHW-W office to protest SEIU’s retaliation and interference...
KPFK interview with John Borsos and Danielle Estrada Maria Armoudian on KPFK’s “Insighters” interviews John Borsos of NUHW’s founding executive board and Danielle Estrada, a healthcare worker at...
Video: Fresno homecare workers announce petition to join NUHW On March 2, homecare workers filed petitions for 10,000 to leave SEIU and join NUHW.