

Beyond Chron: San Francisco New Epicenter for Labor’s Civil War While progressives battle tea baggers, the insurance industry and the traditional media over universal health care, San Francisco is gripped...
Children’s Hospital workers fight SEIU’s backroom deals Children’s Hospital workers in Oakland picketed on SEIU’s first day of bargaining with their bosses. SEIU tried to lock out...
Labor movement united against SEIU President Andy Stern SEIU President Andy Stern is finding his attempt to take over Unite Here isn’t winning him any friends. This video...
Healthcare workers picket in Los Angeles and Oakland Caregivers picketed the Los Angeles office of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) on July 23, protesting the Board’s failure...
In today’s Sacramento Bee: Governor’s charge on homecare is the fraud By Sal Rosselli for the Sacramento Bee Tonight, while Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger sits down in his Jacuzzi with a stogie,...
Sal Rosselli: Governor’s charge on home care is the fraud (Sacramento Bee) Tonight, while Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger sits down in his Jacuzzi with a stogie, 440,000 frail seniors and people with disabilities...
ISR: U.S. Labor in the Crisis—Resistance or Retreat? THE ELECTION of Barack Obama last November seemed to promise a new era for organized labor. With Obama in the...
Counterpunch: The Healthcare Worker War The SEIU and the Hollow Shell It Left Behind By CAL WINSLOW What is the Service Employees International Union (SEIU)?...
Caregivers picket Labor Board after 157 days without a vote More than a hundred healthcare workers picketed the Oakland office of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) yesterday, protesting the...
Healthcare workers picket Labor Board after 157 days without a vote NLRB has kept workers trapped in SEIU for more than five months by failing to schedule union elections Oakland, Calif.—More...
Labor movement unites against SEIU Randy Shaw of Beyond Chron reports on last weekend’s Unite Here convention: “The real story of this convention is that...
Against the Current: The NUHW Revolt THE LARGEST BATTLE within the U.S. union movement in decades is happening right now. It is an organizing campaign to...