

Empire Report: Memorial Hospital Election Oversight Commission Created
Empire Report: Memorial Hospital faces allegations as Workers Face Union Vote Only days before Memorial Hospital’s workers vote on unionization, the hospital’s administration is facing allegations that it’s dishonoring and disrupting...
Catholic Scholars urge Memorial Hospital administration to stop anti-union campaign Dr. Joe Fahey of Catholic Scholars for Worker Justice writes: “We are deeply alarmed at reports that SJHS has reverted...
KQED-FM: Labor Board OKs Union Vote at Kaiser In the latest development in a bitter feud between competing health care unions, the National Labor Relations Board has decided...
Los Angeles Times: Labor board OKs challenge to SEIU The National Labor Relations Board calls for elections to determine which union will represent Kaiser workers in Southern California, the...
Sacramento Business Journal: NLRB gives huge victory to National Union of Healthcare Workers A regional National Labor Relations Board ruled Monday that more than 2,300 Kaiser workers in Southern California can vote on...
NBC Los Angeles: Trouble in Paradise for SEIU More than 2,300 Kaiser Permanente employees could say goodbye to Service Employees International Union in Southern California. It’ll come down...
Los Angeles Daily News: Healthcare workers could join breakaway union More than 2,300 Kaiser Permanente employees represented by Service Employees International Union in Southern California could vote in the coming...
San Francisco Business Times: NLRB decision could open door to new health care union The National Labor Relations Board has rejected challenges to a proposed election that would let more than than 2,300 health...
Beyond Chron: SEIU Joins Management in Blocking Union Drive by Randy Shaw SEIU, whose mission includes the unionization of hospital workers, is now waging a full-scale campaign to prevent...
Labor board OKs 2,300 Kaiser professionals to quit SEIU and join National Union of Healthcare Workers Ruling by federal government ends nine months of obstruction by SEIU officials LOS ANGELES—More than 2,300 healthcare professionals at dozens...
Labor board OKs election for 2,300 Kaiser professionals to join NUHW Jim Clifford, MS, Therapist at Kaiser San Diego Psychiatry “We’re joining NUHW because we want democracy and integrity in our...