

More than 100 S.F. leaders call on SEIU-UHW to respect workers’ rights in upcoming union elections Citing complaints of intimidation and harassment, elected officials and community leaders ask SEIU-UHW to agree to ground rules that guarantee...
More than 100 elected officials and leaders call for fair elections to join NUHW 116 San Francisco elected officials, community leaders, and allies have written an open letter to SEIU-UHW’s trustees. These leaders have...
In These Times: SEIU’s mega-local meltdown By Steve Early The 1021 reformers also made a point of declaring that they “will not spend a penny” of...
Beyond Chron: rejecting Stern appointees, SEIU1021 members give reformers election sweep by Randy Shaw, Mar. 01, 2010 In a striking blow to SEIU’s national leadership, the reform “Change 1021” slate defeated...
Truthdig: A Calamity in the Making “We see unionized health care workers are the last line of defense against employers making decisions based on profit as...
Labor Notes: young California unionists on their way to Detroit Daniel Ray, a volunteer organizer for the National Union of Healthcare Workers said, “We need resources so we can send...
S.F. Chinese community leaders stand with healthcare workers joining NUHW
Beyond Chron: Media Ignoring Labor Union Successes Labor unions have had some tremendous successes in recent weeks, but you would never know this from the mainstream media....
North Bay Business Journal editorial: a rebuke of SEIU International Service Employees International Union President Andy Stern may have an open invitation to the White House, visiting there 22...
NUHW members support Unite Here Disney workers in hunger strike and rally for safety Click here for full-screen slideshow Since Wednesday, Disney hotel workers have been holding a water-only fast for justice outside the...
Solidarity Magazine: NUHW Landslide Election in S. California Yesterday’s election carried particularly high stakes given that 50,000 additional Kaiser employees are currently petitioning for an election this summer....
Counterpunch: Healthcare Workers Savor a Victory California’s healthcare workers and their new union, the National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW) have won, in this winter of...