

Labor board to throw out bogus claims made by SEIU, paving way for thousands to vote and join NUHW The National Labor Relations Board’s Office of Advice has issued a directive to the NLRB’s four California offices, recommending the...
Labor board to throw out bogus claims made by SEIU, paving way for thousands to vote and join NUHW After 16 months in legal limbo, workers will finally get elections to join NUHW WASHINGTON—The federal National Labor Relations Board’s...
The Nation: the SEIU Andy Stern leaves behind By Max Fraser In the late 1990s and early 2000s the union began to embrace new strategies to meet Stern’s...
Labor board could overturn union elections over hospital’s illegal interference Management gave SEIU full access to campaign while threatening the jobs of NUHW supporters if they discussed election San Jose...
Green 960 Labor Report: Kaiser IBHS filing Green 960 Labor Report interviews Kaiser Permanente IBHS Chapter member Emily Ryan about IBHS chapter members’ filing of majority petitions...
ZNet: The Battle for Kaiser: SEIU calls for WWIII By Cal Winslow SEIU has already rushed through a sweetheart deal, a tentative contract with Kaiser. It has agreed to...
Kaiser Optical workers petition for NUHW Sonia Askew, Optician, Kaiser South Sacramento“We’re joining NUHW to bring back the strong union we used to have. I’ve been...
Majority of 380 Kaiser optical workers petition to join NUHW Five of Kaiser’s seven bargaining units have now joined NUHW or signed majority petitions Oakland, Calif.—A majority of 380 optical...
Santa Rosa Press Democrat: Judge upholds Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital union vote By Martin Espinoza An administrative law judge has rejected Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital’s allegations that improper election tactics were used...
Sacramento Business Journal: Kaiser mental health workers petition for election By Kathy Robertson A majority of 1,300 Northern California mental health professionals at Kaiser Permanente have signed a petition calling...
North Bay Business Journal: Union wins right to represent hospital workers By Dan Verel The National Labor Relations Board has sided with the National Union of Healthcare Workers in a long-standing...
Kaiser IBHS workers move to join NUHW! A majority of 1,300 mental health professionals at Kaiser have signed a petition to change their union from SEIU to...