

SEIU Steward Council endorses NUHW 95% of SEIU’s workplace leaders switch sides in anticipation of statewide election Sept. 13 Santa Rosa, Calif.—Forty-eight SEIU union stewards...
SEIU Steward Council endorses NUHW On Monday, 48 SEIU shop stewards at Kaiser Santa Rosa announced their support for NUHW in the statewide Kaiser election...
KPFA Evening News on Kaiser election date Yolanda Chavez, a senior licensed vocational nurse at Kaiser Oakland for more than 20 years, explains the Sept. 13 Kaiser...
SF Business Times: NLRB sets Sept. 13 as start for giant Kaiser Permanente union election By Chris Rauber The National Labor Relations Board has set Sept. 13 as the start date for a by-mail union...
NLRB sets date for biggest union election in 70 years 44,000 Kaiser workers win the right to join NUHW and leave SEIU in a mail ballot election starting Sept. 13...
Kaiser workers win election date: Sept. 13! Victory is in sight for thousands of Kaiser workers who have been organizing to join NUHW for more than 18...
NUHW nurses show strength at Kaiser LAMC Hundreds of registered nurses at Kaiser Los Angeles Medical Center marched outside the hospital on Tuesday to share their concerns...
Nurses picket Kaiser over patient safety Hundreds march in informational picket to improve care at Kaiser’s biggest So. Cal. hospital LOS ANGELES—Hundreds of registered nurses at...
Ballots counted: Hospital workers joined NUHW in July 15 election Victory at Providence Tarzana after ballot count delayed by defeated incumbent union LOS ANGELES —The National Labor Relations Board has...
BeyondChron: Unite Here Local 2 workers and NUHW in struggles against Kaiser By Randy Shaw In the largest internal hotel protest in San Francisco history, nearly 300 UNITE HERE Local 2 workers...
Federal government will protect Kaiser workers’ right to vote On a conference call held Wednesday by the National Labor Relations Board, the National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW) won...
Federal government will protect Kaiser workers’ union election Workers win important victory on terms of election for 44,000 to join NUHW WASHINGTON, D.C. —On a conference call held...