

Local leaders call for investigation of SVMH Board’s secret privatization scheme Letters to County District Attorney and State Attorney General allege violation of state law by Board Members meeting in closed...
Fact check: the truth behind SEIU’s big claims at Tenet Dear Brothers and Sisters, You may have read SEIU’s recent claims to have won “raises of up to 18% over...
In the news: editorial in support of AB 52 Nonprofit Insurers: Reaping Profits at the Expense of the Consumer by Wendell Potter, from the Huffington Post Nowhere are health...
San Francisco Chronicle: Kaiser raising rates for 300,000 subscribers San Francisco Chronicle: By Victoria Colliver Tuesday, June 28, 2011 Kaiser Permanente plans to raise rates more than 10 percent...
Labor Notes: California Strike Highlights Hospitals’ Skewed Priorities Labor Notes: By Mark Brenner Hundreds of workers at a central California hospital return to work today, after a two-day...
In The News: SVMH executives given large raises The Californian: At the same time it laid off hundreds of rank and file employees, the Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare...
The Californian: SVMH executives given large raises The Californian: At the same time it laid off hundreds of rank and file employees, the Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare...
Monterey County Herald: Striking union files charge against SVMH Monterey County Herald: Hospital officials insist there is no lockout By JIM JOHNSON Herald Staff Writer Arguing that more than 100...
In The News: Protesters Move Their Picket from Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital to Board Member’s Home KION:   By Matt de Nesnera SALINAS, Calif. — The state Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) has issued a complaint...
KION: Protesters Move Their Picket from Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital to Board Member’s Home KION:   By Matt de Nesnera SALINAS, Calif. — The state Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) has issued a complaint...
KION: SVMH Union Employees Couldn’t Go Back To Work After Strike
Illegal Lockout at Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital SVMH management is illegally locking out about 100 workers who went on strike for 24 hours Tuesday.  Management aims to...