SEIU-UHW is using phony pictures to fake its support

NewsApril 11, 2013

SEIU-UHW is desperate.

In a recent leaflet, SEIU-UHW officials recycled this old picture they took of my colleague and me from years ago when we voted to ratify a contract, falsely claiming that the two of us are supporting them in the current election (the correction in the picture is mine):

SEIU-UHW is lying. I’m an NUHW-CNA supporter and always have been. 

I’m not the only one they’re lying about. Check out this leaflet with dozens of other workers who are retired, deceased, or who openly support NUHW-CNA, who SEIU-UHW put on their fake majority leaflets without permission. It’s happening all over the state.

This isn’t the first time SEIU-UHW has used my picture to lie to my co-workers. They used the exact same picture in their campaign literature in the 2010 election, out of context and without our permission. I supported NUHW-CNA then just like I do now.

And my colleague circled in the picture with me? FIRED TWO YEARS AGO, no thanks to SEIU-UHW’s complete lack of representation.

This is exactly why the majority of Kaiser workers is voting NUHW-CNA. We need a union we can trust.


Jeff Wilson, OR Surgical Technician, Kaiser Oakland
National Union of Healthcare Workers – California Nurses Association