Share your Kaiser care story
A recent survey of more than 300 Kaiser Permanente clinicians, “Care Delayed, Care Denied” showed that Kaiser Permanente, California’s largest HMO, systematically understaffs its mental health services leaving some patients to suffer delays in receiving treatment they have already paid for and urgently need.
Sharing your Kaiser care story will help us add to our understanding of mental health care services at Kaiser Permanente and ensure that in the future patients receive timely and appropriate care.
As a Kaiser patient, or family member of a Kaiser patient, please use the space below to tell us in your own words about your mental health experience at Kaiser Permanente.
Were you subject to delays in receiving care? Did you have problems making a timely return appointment? Were you improperly referred to group therapy when individual care would have been more appropriate?
How did this impact your health? Did you seek care outside of Kaiser Permanente because of what you experienced? Are you unhappy with your experience of Kaiser Permanente’s mental health services?
Please Share Your Story -- Patients and Families
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