Newly elected leaders take the reins

NewsMarch 12, 2024

New president, secretary-treasurer, and 22-member Executive Board sworn into office as NUHW celebrates growing membership and growing influence

There’s new leadership at the top of NUHW. Sophia Mendoza, who previously served as secretary–treasurer, was officially sworn in Saturday as NUHW president.

Joining Sophia on NUHW’s member-elected Executive Board are Vanessa Coe, who will serve as secretary–treasurer, and 20 NUHW rank-and-file members who work at healthcare facilities from San Diego to Eureka.

Sal Rosselli, who chose not to run for re-election, will work full-time as president emeritus, leading NUHW’s political and legislative program and helping lead the union’s major contract campaigns, including Kaiser Permanente, Providence, and Sutter Health.

“Being elected president of NUHW is an incredible honor and privilege,” Sophia said. “Our union stands for worker empowerment and health care justice, and I’m excited to work with everyone to further our mission to make life better for workers and patients.”

Sophia, who’s 43, was born in the Philippines and emigrated to the United States at age 13. After graduating from UC Santa Cruz, she interned with NUHW’s predecessor union, SEIU Local 250, and rose up the ranks, leading campaigns throughout California and first being elected as the union’s secretary–treasurer in 2015.

Vanessa, who uses they/them pronouns, also has a background in behavioral health. They have a masters degree in social welfare from UC Berkeley and worked as a therapist at Oakland International High School, which serves immigrant students, and Asian Community Mental Health Services.

“I love that NUHW is at the forefront of empowering workers and advancing parity for mental healthcare,” Vanessa said. It’s humbling to be elected to help lead our union, because I know there’s so much more we can accomplish together.”

Sophia and Vanessa and the new Executive Board will lead NUHW during a period of strong growth as workers progress major contract campaigns and continue our fight for mental health parity and health care justice.

“Our union is on strong footing because we have strong members who fight for what’s right,” President Emeritus Sal Rosselli said. “Sophia and Vanessa embody NUHW’s core values, and they are ready to lead our union into an even stronger future.”

Our new executive board:

Angie Woods, Vice President – Keck/Norris
Elizabeth White, Vice President – KPC
Erika Olden, Vice President – Tarzana
Ilana Marcucci–Morris, Vice President  –  IBHS
Jackie Schalit, Vice President  –  CHO – PRO
Jackki Patrick, Vice President – CHO S/T
Jim Clifford, Vice President – KPC
Jody Forter, Vice President  –  KPC
Kellie Shaner, Vice President – Eureka
Kristi Reimer, Vice President – IBHS
Laura Wilson, Vice President – IBHS
Lisa Carroll, Vice President – KPC
Lucy Lamont, Vice President – KeckAmb
Mariella Cardenas, Vice President – Cottonwood
Nicholas Cordero, Vice President – Eureka
Noemi Aguirre, Vice President – Keck/Norris
Phil Florendo, Vice President – Seton Pro
Porfirio Quintano, Vice President – CPMC
Shay Loftus, Vice President – IBHS
Sophia Mendoza, President
Stephanie Lum Ho, Vice President – CHO – BOC
Vanessa Coe, Secretary–Treasurer