Vote “NO” on Young Kim – Don’t Let a Failed Politician Take Away Your Healthcare

The record shows Young Kim supports President Trump’s efforts to take away health insurance from millions of Californians and gut protections for people with pre-existing conditions.

Voters ousted Kim from the State Assembly largely because of her failed record on healthcare. Before that, she spent 21 years as a staffperson to our previous Member of Congress, whose long record of voting to deny people healthcare was one of the worst in California. Now Kim is running for Congress herself – but her positions on vital healthcare issues are worse than ever.

Kim toes the line with the Trump administration agenda that would take away healthcare from more than 23 million Americans. Her record makes plain that she would be another vote in Congress to deny care, weaken coverage, and side with Big Pharma against consumers.


There is a clear choice – Congressman Gil Cisneros is fighting for our healthcare.

Congressman Cisneros is defending our healthcare from Republican attempts to deny coverage for millions of Americans. He is fighting to improve successful programs like Medicare, MediCal, and the Childrens’ Health Insurance Program, and not to abandon them with nothing to take their place. He is fighting to lower drug prices by authorizing the government to engage in direct negotiations with pharmaceutical companies to bring costs down. And he is standing up to any and all attempts to deny coverage for the many people with pre-existing conditions.

To protect our healthcare, vote Gil Cisneros for Congress.

We can defeat COVID-19 and help Americans recover by taking these common-sense steps:

  • Show our concern for each other and defeat the virus by wearing masks outside of our homes, washing hands often, maintaining physical distance, and staying home when we are sick.
  • Dramatically expand COVID-19 testing and make it free so everyone has access to rapid results, and immediately expand our ability to reach out to people who have been in contact with individuals infected with COVID-19, so they can be tested and quarantine if necessary.
  • Ensure there are adequate supplies of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for medical personnel, first responders, and essential workers so they can safeguard their health and prevent the spread of COVID-19 in their workplaces and throughout the broader community.
  • Provide paid sick leave to people infected with COVID-19 so they can stay home for all our safety, and provide paid family medical leave so people can stay home to care for sick relatives.
  • Increase support for workers who have lost their jobs because of necessary closures so the burden of COVID-19 does not fall unfairly on just some members of the community, and create a “restart” fund for small businesses that have been forced to close or have laid off workers.
  • Provide additional support for at-risk groups including seniors, people with disabilities, and individuals with underlying conditions, as may be necessary to keep them safe from infection.
  • Make plans and supply resources so hospitals and specialty care units have adequate surge capacity to provide care for all who need it during the oncoming spike of COVID-19 infections.
  • Plan for a rapid, safe, and fair roll-out of vaccines all across the country once they are available.
  • Defeat all attempts to strip current protections for those who have pre-existing medical conditions (including COVID-19 diagnosis). Protect and expand access to affordable, quality health care for all – which is now more important than ever – including increased access to the mental health care and substance use treatment that so many of us need in this difficult time.

In this election, we have the opportunity to protect our own healthcare and the healthcare of our family, friends, and neighbors.

This is the most important election of our lifetimes — and the turnout could set records.

Be a part of history by casting your ballot.