CBS 47: Healthcare workers rally to split from union
Healthcare workers gathered for a rally in Downtown Fresno on Wednesday. They’re trying to gather support for an important vote next week that would officially split the United Healthcare Workers from their current Washington D.C. based union.
At the rally was a special guest, Dolores Huerta, co-founder and First Vice President Emeritus of the United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UFW). Huerta has endorsed the split by the union.
Huerta believes the United Healthcare Workers should split from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). She compares the labor struggles that took place in the 1960s to the one today.
A similar split from the union took place last week in San Pablo, when union workers voted overwhelmingly, 158 to 24 to leave the SEIU in favor of the NUHW.
10,000 Fresno County home health care providers will put the issue to a vote next week.
Source: CBS 47