
NUHW In the News

Stockton Record: Kaiser union battle draws pickets STOCKTON - More than 100 Kaiser Permanente employees took to the hot sidewalks surrounding the health care provider’s massive West...
KPFA Evening News on Fresno election The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – May 27, 2009 at 6:00pm Click the green button to listen—the NUHW segment begins...
CBS 47: Healthcare workers rally to split from union DayPortPlayer.newPlayer({articleID:"102149",bannerAdObjectID:"8",videoAdObjectID:"7",videoAdConDefID:"3",playerInstanceID:"27574A89-06D1-CD92-4444-22719C5099EC",domain:"",rootCategory:"null",categoryID:"5",accPos:"CCTVI.NEWS.LOCAL",accSite:"KGPE"});
ABC 30: Union battle in Fresno
KPFA Evening News: Kaiser worker Mell Garcia on NUHW elections The KPFA Evening News (Weekend) – May 24, 2009 at 6:00pm Click the green button to listen—the NUHW segment begins...
KKGN Labor Report on NUHW victory at Doctors San Pablo Jay Hoey, an NUHW member and 32-year nuclear medicine tech at Doctors San Pablo, was interviewed on KKGN Green 960’s...
SF Business Times: Workers at Doctors hospital vote to join new union, dump SEIU Staffers at Doctors Medical Center in San Pablo voted to join the new National Union of Healthcare Workers and dump...
Central Valley Indymedia: Fresno is ground zero in labor struggle by Mike Rhodes, Editor, Community Alliance Newspaper Fresno is ground zero of an epic battle for the heart and soul...
Counterpunch: Fresno, the New Ground Zero Ground zero in the California war between the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the new National Union of Healthcare...
Socialist Worker: A fighting health care union MORE THAN 700 health care union activists gathered in San Francisco April 25 for the founding convention of the National...
Talking Union: New prescription for a healthy union movement It’s not every day that a new national union is formed in the United States. But that’s exactly what happened...
Fresno Bee: In-home caregivers to decide on union support Fresno County personnel managers deemed valid a petition filed last month to decertify the Service Employees International Union’s United Healthcare...